Monday, January 08, 2007

Update on Zoe

We took Zoe to the doctor today for a follow-up on how she was doing since the food allergy was diagnosed. We saw her regular pediatrician today and she was very encouraging. The bloodwork tested positive for allergens, but the only way to be sure which food is to eliminate foods from my diet. Dairy is the most common one so we are starting there. Also, I had stopped drinking milk because I knew it bothered Zoe, but I didn't realize it was an allergy--I assumed it affected her like cabbage or broccoli. I don't have to be too careful about eating foods that may have possibly been exposed to milk like deli meats sliced on the same slicer as cheese. I can't eat foods with dairy products in them, so I still have to read labels since some preservatives and flavorings are milk-based. We discussed with the doctor about formula-feeding, but she feels that since Zoe is thriving on breast milk we should not stop. We are going to evaluate at her four month check-up and determine if I should continue eliminating dairy products. We will probably introduce Zoe to dairy in her diet at about 10 months. There is a possibility she could have a milk protein allergy for life as well as other food allergies, but since there is no family history the doctor thinks she will outgrow it. I decided it would be best to learn to eat like this now since I will have to watch what Zoe eats for a few months anyway (no mashed potatoes, etc). At first it seemed a bit daunting, but I have been doing research over the weekend and there are lots of foods to eat. I just can't have any good stuff like chocolate chip cookies, chocolate, ice cream, or pizza, etc.
The doctor mentioned today that Zoe is above average in some of her developmental milestones and another reason why she thought we should continue breast feeding. I guess that is why she is constantly trying to sit up. I finally put her in a walker (not recommended by the doctor when she can reach the floor) and it made a world of difference. She absolutely loves sitting in it when I am working in the kitchen, etc. and loves the toys and music. I was amazed at how she learned to spin the little ball around on it. I couldn't resist this picture though when she fell asleep in it. Every once in a while she would sort of wake up and halfway spin the little ball, then go right back to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow -- I just read both blogs about the food allergy today. I am glad to hear that Zoe is thriving despite this allergy and trust that you will be able to find what makes her comfortable. I don't know all the details, but I was allergic to milk and wheat when I was an infant but grew out of both allergies at some point. I had to drink soy milk and eat rye bread, but I don't remember it so I must have been young when I outgrew the allergies. I never asked my mom for details since I didn't go through any of this with Kayla. Keep us posted on how this is going. I admire you for being willing to give up all the good foods. I know that has to be tough. Keep us updated on how you're doing.
